Bikes vs. Cars Film Showing

This Wednesday(March 13th 2019) the Foxlowe in Leek are showing a documentary called Bikes V Cars, the documentary looks into and investigates the daily global drama in traffic in five major cities around the world. The film starts at 7:45pm and its free to watch. click below to take a look at the trailer.

Club Run – March 3rd 2019

Eight riders braved the cold and wet weather to head to Flash Bar. We headed out on Buxton road and turned for Thorncliffe and turned off to head to Bradnop. Here, the mighty “Two Sauces Symcock” set a fast pace up the climb but we managed to re-group and take on the climb to Onecote and on to Butterton. We dropped down in to Hulme End and on to Hartington before reaching Long Dale. Here, Ant A set off on a lone attack and almost reached the junction before we caught him, a great effort in the headwind. We had a brief stop to discuss the route as there was some confusion but set off for Earl Sterndale and past the only Church in Derbyshire to have been bombed during the Second WW. We dropped down in to Glutton Bridge and took on the climb up to Flash. Here Dave M led us almost to the top before Aide D and Matt overtook him, brave riders! We re-grouped and headed in to Flash and the welcome warmth of the cafe. Here riders were soon enjoying large coffee’s that for once were actually large, bucket size mugs that hit the spot. Dave M’s effort took so much out of him that he had to order Beans On toast and a slice of Tiffin to refuel.
Due to the coffee’s there was a wait for the toilet so we had a little break in the group. We rode through Flash and on to Back Of The Roaches before dropping back down in to Meerbrook and Abbey Green before arriving back in Leek at 1PM after a wet, thirty eight mile ride which was enough given the weather warnings of storm Freya. Thanks to Shaun M for planning the ride and for putting up with our complaints over School Lane. It was good to see Phil S back out with the club as well.
Nick A

Club Run – Febuary 24th 2019

Eleven riders set out for Edensor in the unusual warmth along Buxton road before heading to Thornclife. Here Phil S decided to carry on a shorter ride but it was great to see him out with the club. We carried on up to Morridge and dropped down in to Warslow. Here Dave M felt a little unwell and decided to head back via a shorter route, again, great to see him out.  The peleton carried on through Hartington and Longdale before dropping in to Monyash. Dan N also turned off to head back to Leek. There was a brief stop for some navigational discussions before we reached Bakewell and again stopped to chat about which way to go before setting off for Edensor. We soon arrived at the cafe but could not bag a outside table to enjoy the sun but we were offered a large table indoors. Riders were soon tucking in to some quite artful plates of food that looked amazing and were much commented on.
we decided to head back via Baslow and Calver and Great Longstone and Little Longstone before reaching Ashford in the water and on to Sheldon Bank. Here Rob B took the KOM title, well done Rob!. As I am using a Cortisone cream to treat a painful skin complaint, any of my results are null and void and yes, I am booked on Oprah for a full confession.
We passed through Monyash again and on to crowedecote and Longnor where riders took the chance to use the shop for much needed sugar supplies. We decided to head to Reapsmoor and take on the long climb to the Mermaid. Steve W led the group all the way up to the top, good effort. We re-grouped and headed back in to Thornclife and arrived back in Leek at 2.20PM after a tough fifty four mile ride. Thanks to Sean M and all who helped lead the ride.
Nick A, Whichita Linesman (Trainee)
Above is a photo from the 8am ride, they enjoyed a hilly ride over to Tideswell via Wildboarclough and Combs.

Leek CC Cafe Map

Thanks to club rider Dave Magnier, we now have a google map of all the cafe’s we like to visit during our club runs. This is a great reference point and will help add alot of variety to the club runs. Click on the file below to take a look, this file will also be added to the club run page on the website for future reference. thanks Dave

Leek CC Hilly Reliability Ride

On Sunday March the 10th, Leek Cyclists Club will be once again holding its annual Hilly Reliability Ride. The Paul Derbyshire Memorial Reliability is a scenic 52 mile ride through the Peak Distrtict, which takes in some lovely lanes & challenging climbs. The ride will be followed by a Buffet & the Clubs Awards presentation at The Den Engel Belgian Bar in Leek. The ride will start in the Market Place in the centre of Leek & will finish at the Den Engel where riders are asked to return so they can sign out, signing on is from 8.00am with the riders due to start at 8.30am. Places at the buffet are limited so If you are interested in riding the Reliability or attending the Buffet afterwards please contact the email below.    

Prices for the event are:
Ride only :             £4
Buffet only :           £5
Ride & Buffet :      £7.50

For more information on the route & to download a GPS File of the route please click on the link below

It would be great to have a decent turn out to support the event, lets hope for some sunny weather & please everybody ride safe.

Club Run – Febuary 10th 2019

The main group had set out to ride the Congleton reliablity ride and we hope they are reliable even though they have so  many miles on the clock. Myself and Dave Mags set out to ride the Manifold track as it has been some time since we have ridden along there. We rode along Buxton Road and Springfield Road before turning on to Ashbourne Road and heading to Bottom House and Ipstones Edge. We rode down Stony Lane and in to Waterhouses station car park and on to the track where we soon being bounced around on the rough track. As we had made good time, we decided to climb out of the valley and in to Whetton and on to the Alstonfield road where we had a navigation upset as we headed down what we thought was a public road but led us in to a run down farm yard complete with abandoned Land Rovers. Dave was not keen on my suggestion of removing a gearbox as I need a spare, you just can not get the club riders now! We turned round and headed in to Hulme End where the Station Cafe was open and were soon enjoying coffee and cake as well as beans on toast.
We headed back through Longnor and up to Flash where the sunshine vanished and the rain clouds returned as well as a tough headwind. We were glad to get some shelter out of the wind on the climb to Roach End and were glad to drop back in to Meerbrook and Abbey Green. We arrived back in Leek at 12.30 after a forty mile ride. Thanks to Dave M for leading the ride.
Nick A

Leek CC Calendar 2018

Thanks to Club Rider Steve Briggs we now have a excellent Leek CC calendar available  to purchase, the calendar features a number of images taken throughout 2018 which were taken from a variety of events including club runs & time trials. The calendars cost £6 each and are available from Steve, contact Steve on for details on how to purchase one. 

Leek Cyclists Club 5 Mile TT Results 2018 

(Rushton to Leek Course)

Jordan is the overall winner and Club Champion!
There was a tight tussle for the other podium spots, with Tony taking second from Rob by 35/100 of a second. Generally slightly slower times than last year, mostly due to the headwind that picked up just at the “right” time. Well done to all the competitors and thanks to all who supported, took photos or otherwise helped. And a big thank you to Kelvin and Rachel at the White Lion for opening specially for us again (they are normally shut on Monday).

Club Hill Climb 2018

The club held its Hill Climb TT on Gun Hill and we had a great turn out of riders to take on the challenge. It was a chilly morning and I was glad to have a seat in Andy B’s car to warm up my hands. Of course, we soon warmed up on the steep slopes of Gun Hill.    Rob Howson claimed the win with Andy Baddeley second and the person who writes the log third. It was decided to head to Jodrell Bank for a cafe stop so we set off for Rushton Spencer and Bosley lights. Here my Raynards was affecting my hands and I could not get in to the big ring so fell way back from the group. Rob H waited for me and we set of for Gawsworth and took a back route via Withington Green before arriving at Jorell just minutes before the main group which was fun. Who got to the front of the queue? Ant A of course! The cafe was packed and we had to wait before being served so I kept everyone entertained with my white, cold fingers. Much to Dave M’s disgust, there was no Beans On Toast so he had to settle for cake. It was good to see Phil and Amanda came with us to the cafe as well as Phil G.
Ant A set off on his own as we were still chatting and eating before we sett off back via Gawswoth and Bosley Lights and Rushton Spencer. Here I turned off for home so am unable to record who won the sprint to Leek or how many miles the ride was but if you turn up with a large bar of Swiss chocolate with my name on it then its yours! Also a big thank you to Ruth & John, Andy Bain. Phil Gayes and George for all their help with the TT.
Nick A
         Results                                (all riders Leek CC unless stated otherwise) 
1) Rob Howson 5:50
2) Andy Baddeley 6:25
3) Nick Avins 6:50
4) Rich Whalley 6:54
5) Adrian Derbyshire 7:42
6) John Hurst 7:43
7) Shaun Merrick 7:54
=8) Dave Magnier and Dan Noble 8:17
10) Rob Harp 8:31
11) Lee Wood (Congleton CC) 8:35
12) Steve Sladin (Congleton CC) 8:45
                                                              Rob Howson
                                                             Dave Magnier
                                Everyone at the top of Gun Hill after the Hill Climb
All photos courtsey of club rider Stephen Briggs
Also courtsey of Congleton CC member Adrian Pennington, we have a great video of Sundays event, click on the video to take a look.

Legbreaker “Hell of the Moorlands” 2018

On Sunday September the 16th 2018,Leek Cyclists Club will once again be staging the Legbreaker in Memory of Club Member Paul Derbyshire who sadly passed away in 2012. As of this year we will be offering two routes, The classic 80 Mile ride and a reduced but still very tough 54 mile ride.The Legbreaker which has been a great success over the years is renowned as one of the best in the country, with it being dubbed the “Hell of the Moorlands” mainly because of the amount of tough steep Moorland climbs, which you have to conquer to complete the ride. The ride takes in some of the best scenery the Staffordshire Moorlands & The Peak District has to offer and includes steep climbs out of Ilam, Hollinsclough and the famous Gun Hill.
We have once again revised the route slightly so to avoid the ford in Butterton, which means riders are to ride up from Grindon and then ride to the T junction joining the B5053, then turn right onto the B5053 and then take the first right and drop into Butterton and then drop into Ecton for the feed station. For more information and to download the GPS File please click on the link below

80 Mile Route Info

54 Mile Route Info

Signing on will be from 8:30AM in the Market Place in the centre of Leek, with riders off at 9:00AM.The cost of the ride is £6, with all proceeds going to Charity. There will be one feed station during the ride which will be located at Ecton which is after dropping into the Manifold Valley from Butterton. Riders will be provided with a route card and a map & the route will be fully signed. Once riders have completed the ride can they please make their way to the Den Engel Belgian Bar in Leek to Sign In (Den Engel is situated on Stanley Street just off the Market Place).

If you are interested in taking part in this years Legbreaker please contact the below email address or Telephone Number, so that numbers can be judged and the correct amount of food & drink can be ordered for the Feed Station. Best of Luck to all riders & please ride safe.

Contact Andy Bain on  :  Email     – 

Telephone  –   07450435754