Hilly Reliability 2019

Thirty three riders turned out for the much missed Hilly Reliability cancelled due to the snow for the last two years. We set out in groups to avoid causing traffic issues and rode up to Bradnop before taking on School Lane which warmed us up. A fast descent in to Onecote and on to Grindon before dropping down in to the Manifold valley before the steep climb back out and along the rutted track to Mill Dale and Parwich. Here we took on the long climb up to Longcliffe and a much welcome descent all the way in to Winster before climbing in to Youlgrave and Bakewell. Here I caught up with Rich C and Paul H so we made a little peleton and headed to Monyash before another climb to Parlsey Hay. We headed along Longdale and dropped in to Crowdecote where Rich C showed me how to descend, wish I could but Dyspraxia gets in my way! We stopped off in longnor to say hello to Jo k who was enjoying a snack at the cafe before carrying on to Newtown and Mooridge and Thorncliffe before arriving back  in Leek and Den Engles after a fifty three mile ride where riders could partake in a free coffee and a recovery glass of beer! Thanks to Phil G for organising the event and putting out the signs and for Andy B for helping collect them.
Nick A

Club Run – April 14th 2019

A large group of sixteen riders turned out to ride to Barton Marina. It was nice to Andy Bain back out with the club after a break and we had a new Rider Andy J join us, a man who picks his cycling routes by placing a bike wheel above a map with a pointer fitted now beat that GPS!. We set out along Ashbourne road and up to Bottom House and along Ipstones Edge before reaching Cauldon Lowe. Here myself and the two Andys decided to turn off for Longnor as we felt we would not keep up with the main group so they carried on in to Ellastone and Roston, Doveridge and Sudbury and Needwood before reaching Barton Marina for a  cafe stop. They met up with Alison H who joined them for the return leg through Dunstall, Woodlane and Hoar Cross, Abbots Bromley, Bramshall, Tean, Kingsley Moor, Leek. Thanks to Rich C for leading a 75 mile ride and for Andy B for leading a 37 mile ride.
Nick A

Hilly Reliability

Due to heavy snow in early March which saw the cancellation of our annual Hilly Reliability Ride. We have decided to reschudule the ride and it will now take place on April 21st 2019.  The Paul Derbyshire Memorial Reliability ride is a scenic 52 mile ride through the Peak Distrtict, which takes in some lovely lanes and challenging climbs. The ride will be followed by drinks at The Den Engel Belgian Bar in Leek. The ride will start in the Market Place in the centre of Leek & will finish at the Den Engel where riders are asked to return so they can sign out, signing on is from 8.45am with the riders due to start at 9.15am. For more information please contact   

Prices for the event are:
Ride only :             £4

For more information on the route & to download a GPS File of the route please click on the link below


Flanders Trip

A number of riders enjoyed a trip over to Belguim in early April, to take part in the 108 mile ronde van vlaanderen cyclo which sees the riders take on the tough cobbled roads and climbs which the professionals ride in the legendary Tour of Flanders. They then watched the professionals during the race on the Sunday on the famous oude Kwaremont. Chapuau everyone

Club Championships 2019

The dates of this year’s club time trials are below:
Congleton CC, Tuesday 16th April
The course is around Timbersbrook/ Beat Lane/ A523 and the start is on Tunstall Road,
immediately west of the bridge over the River Dane.
First rider off at 18:45. Signing on is in the Harrington Arms car park at Bosley.
Please note: This is Congleton CC’s first event of the season, so takes place considerably
earlier than the corresponding event last year, which was held on 31st July!
10 mile
Congleton CC, Tuesday 8th May
Course is J2/1 (along the A537 from Monks Heath to Booths Hall Island on the outskirts of
First rider off 19:15. Race HQ and signingon is at Siddington Village Hall on the A34, about a
mile south of Monks’ Heath.
5 mile
Rushton Spencer to Leek, Monday 3rd June
Course is the A523 from Jim Hallam’s forecourt in Rushton Spencer to Tennant’s Chemicals in
First rider off at 19:00. Sign on from 18:00 in the White Lion car park.
Food afterwards in the White Lion.
Cost will be £6.00 for TT and food, £4.50 for food only (a quid increase sorry!)
25 mile
Congleton CC/ Macclesfield Wheelers, Tuesday 25th June
Course is JC/24.
First rider off at 19:15 on A537 before Chelford Island. Race HQ and signing-on is at
Siddington Village Hall.
50 mile
Congleton CC, Saturday 20th July.
Course is J4/16.
First rider off at 15:00.
HQ and signing-on last year was at Cranage Village Hall, but this has not been confirmed as
the venue for 2019, so check the CTT or Congleton CC websites closer to the time (Goostrey
or Allostock Village Halls have also been used in the past).
100 mile
SCCA & WCTTCA, Sunday 14th July
Course is D100/6A in Shropshire.
(D100/6 course details given on CTT site the D100/6a is same with minor tweaks)
The start is at Wollerton in Shropshire.
WCTTCA & LTTCA, Sunday 18th August
Course is D12/1.
The start is Prees Heath, near Whitchurch
National 24-Hour Championship (event organised by Mersey Roads Club), Saturday 20th July
Course is D24hr and is mainly in Shropshire, with a section in south Cheshire.
The start is at Farndon in Cheshire.
Hill climb
Gun Hill, Sunday 13th October
Start 10:00. Sign on at Meerbrook Village Hall from 09:30. Cost £3.00.
All the Congleton CC evening TTs are on Tuesday evenings from April to August check their
website for the full list:
They cost £4.00 for First or Second Claim members and £5.00 for non-members.
Notes on open events
All the above apart from the Leek CC 5 and hill climb and the Congleton Tuesday evening
TTs are open events and must be entered in advance there are no entries on the day.
Register with the Cycling Time Trials website for online entry, or postal entry forms are
available here:
Check the CTT website for closing dates for entries.
HQ details are not available for all the events check the CTT site for updates.
Helmets may be compulsory again, check the CTT site.

Club Run – April 7th 2019

Twelve riders set out for Crich via Warslow and Hulme End before dropping in to Hartington. Sadly, here we had a very close pass by a Porsche steering wheel holder but all riders were safe but shaken. We turned off for Newhaven and the pace picked up along the flat sections and the long descent in to Cromford. We had to navigate our way through a long traffic jam due to roadworks but were soon heading to Crich. Here, Rich C almost caused a crash as he pulled over to pick wild garlic! We continued on to climb the hill to the tram museum and to the cafe at the memorial. Here, riders laid siege to the chocolate cake to leave only crumbs. We were advised to call in ahead to ensure extra cake in future.
We gathered for a group picture near to the memorial although one unamed rider was missing in the facilities only to emerge to a round of applause!.
We set off back in to Crich and over to Wirksworth before climbing up to Longclife to enjoy the stunning views of the wind turbines. We dropped down in to Parwich before reaching Alsop en le Dale before turning off for Milldale and the long climb to Alstonfield. We set off for Hulme End and up to Warslow where we said goodbye to Andy M and Chris E. It was great to see Andy out after a long break. We carried on up to Morridge and rode through Thorncliffe before arriving back in Leek at 2.20PM after a fifty nine mile ride. Thanks to “Storm Gareth” and Dave M for leading the ride.
Nick A

Club Run -March 31st 2019

Three groups were out on Sunday, the early and the early nine am and the short nine am group so quite a good turn out. The early nine am group, The Magnificent Seven, cue theme music here!, set out for Stenson Lock. We rode out along Ashbourne road and up to Bottom House and Ipstones Edge before dropping down in to Ellastone and Norbury. Here, Rich C suffered a exploding wheel rim but luckily was not on a descent. After making sure he was ok and was being picked up, we carried on to Cubly and Longford before turning for Hilton and on to Willington. Here we turned off and headed to Stenson and soon arrived at the cafe to enjoy coffee and cakes as well as the usual.
We decided to trust navigation to Garmin and this took us to the Derby ring road which was a little frighting in the traffic but we got round and carried on by Markeaton and in to Kirk Langley where we decided to get off the main road and head back via Long Lane and Longford again. To make a change, we rode through Alkmonton and on to Cliffton and on to Oakover where we headed along the Leg breaker route to  Cauldon Lowe and back over Ipstones Edge and down in to Bottom House and arrived back in Leek at 2.40PM after a long, seventy seven mile ride. Thanks to Shaun for leading part of the ride.
Nick A

Club Run – March 24th 2019

Eight riders set out for Tideswell by a different route than normal. We set out along Abbey Green and Meerbrook and up to Roach End and the epic climb which raised a few eyebrows not to mention heart rates. We took on the steeper climb in to Flash as ride leader Sean was determined to make us suffer. We were glad to get on to the long, downhill stretch along Axe Edge in to Buxton where we made a few detours to avoid the long traffic ques caused by road works. We were soon on our way past Tunstead and in to Millers Dale and in to Tideswell to arrive a the H a D Bistro where riders were soon enjoying coffee and breakfast. Dave M taking on board extra calories with cake and beans on toast. It soon turned in to a competion to claim the breakfasts as they arrived from the kitchen and there was a few mistaken claims to other riders orders but we managed to sort it out.
There was talk of two groups going back by a direct route and a longer route but we all followed the direct route to avoid argument. We headed back in to Millers Dale and up the long climb up to Taddington and in to Monyash and up to Parsley Hay before reaching Long Dale and heading in to Hartington and Hulme End. It was a tough climb up to Warslow as we had a head wind all the way but Sean managed to take the lead. In Warlsow, it was decided to split as one group wanted to shelter from the wind by taking the route up Elkstones Bank while the other group wanted to go the direct route up out of Warslow and to the Mermaid. Myself and Sean and Dave M and Rob B took on the fearsome Elkstone Bank as we told the other group we would beat them to the Mermaid and we did! We carried on in to Thorncliffe and arrived back in Leek at 2.10PM after a fifty one mile ride. Thanks to Sean M for leading the ride and for putting up with our constant mockery of his navigation issues with his Garmin. If only he could lead us out of the Brexit mess so well! Due to our mockery we have been told Sean will be sending us to his newly opened “Re-Education camp” on Blackshaw Moor, “Butlins with barbed wire fencing ” is how he described it, he is too kind to us!
Nick A, Leeks King Of Obsolete.

Above is a photo from the 8am ride, they enjoyed a sunny ride over to Bollington and then returned to Leek via Kettleshulme and the Goyt Valley.

Club Run – March 17th 2019

“Start at the top and work your way down”
Orson Wells
myself and Andy Bain set up a exhibition at the Foxlowe on Wednesday night to promote the club at the screening of the documentary Bikes V Cars which was a interesting look at the battle between road users. I was very surprised to be given a trophy for Clubman of the year which is the first thing I have been awarded since a Merit badge at school back in 1983. It’s been downhill ever since!
Ten riders set out for Eccleshall via a very different route as we rode up Ladderidge and in to Denford and Cats Edge and then Werrington before reaching Caverswall. We headed in to Stallington and rode through the back streets of Stone and the main road before heading in to Eccleshall. Here, we had a little panic as we had taken a slight detour to the group and thought they were already in the cafe but then they arrived looking for us. We soon found tables and were enjoying coffees and cakes as well as the feast of beans on toast to fuel the ride back. As it was Saint Patrick’s day, there was Guiness cake and cookies on sale to celebrate.
We headed back through Sywnnerton and Barleston before passing through Stallington and Blyth Bridge and taking on the challenge that is Dillhorne Bank. My rear mech was playing up here and I struggled to reach the top so looks like a mechanic session tonight! We re-grouped and headed in to Cheddleton where we said goodbye to Dave M and headed back through Leekbrook and arrived back in Leek at 2.15PM after a fifty five mile ride. Thanks to all who helped with the free form navigation, it was a team effort. Thanks to Phil G and Dave M for advice on fixing the mech issue.
Nick A