Legbreaker 2019

On Sunday September the 15th 2019,Leek Cyclists Club will once again be staging the Legbreaker. We will once again be offering two routes choices , The classic 80 Mile ride and a reduced but still very tough 54 mile ride.The Legbreaker which has been a great success over the years is renowned as one of the best in the country, with it being dubbed the “Hell of the Moorlands” mainly because of the amount of tough steep Moorland climbs, which you have to conquer to complete the ride. The ride takes in some of the best scenery the Staffordshire Moorlands & The Peak District has to offer and includes steep climbs out of Ilam, Hollinsclough and the famous Gun Hill.

We have once again revised the route slightly so to avoid the ford in Butterton, which means riders are to ride up from Grindon and then ride to the T junction joining the B5053, then turn right onto the B5053 and then take the first right and drop into Butterton and then drop into Ecton for the feed station. For more information and to download the GPS File please click on the link below

80 Mile Route Info https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/13396500?fref=gc&dti=121028330938
54 Mile Route Info https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/20556627

Signing on will be from 8:30AM in the Market Place in the centre of Leek, with riders off at 9:00AM.The cost of the ride is £6, with all proceeds going to Charity. There will be one feed station during the ride which will be located at Ecton which is after dropping into the Manifold Valley from Butterton. Riders will be provided with a route card and a map & the route will be fully signed. Once riders have completed the ride can they please make their way to the Den Engel Belgian Bar in Leek to Sign In (Den Engel is situated on Stanley Street just off the Market Place).
If you are interested in taking part in this years Legbreaker please contact the below email address or Telephone Number, so that numbers can be judged and the correct amount of food & drink can be ordered for the Feed Station. Best of Luck to all riders & please ride safe.
Contact Andy Bain on : Email –
Telephone –

Club Run – August 25th 2019

The 8am group were heading up Gun Hill while the A group went to Knustford, the B group headed to Bolington. We headed out along the main Mac road and turned off for Gawsworth and headed to Prestbury and along some fine Cheshire lanes until we reached Bollington and the cafe. We sat outside and enjoyed the welcome warmth after many weeks of rain.
It was decided to return to Leek via Pot Shrigley and the Brickworks climb which soon warmed the riders up. At the summit, we were overtaken by Laura Keeny, track champion which was nice to see. We re-grouped and carried on to Kettleshume and up to Pyms Chair which left a few riders gasping for breath in the heat. We dropped down in to the Goyt valley and found the road had been closed off but other riders had been on line to to say it was passable. We rode on to find two bridges had parts washed away by the heavy rain and we could see in places just how high the water level had been. We decided to head back by the more direct route of up to the Cat And Fiddle pub and turn off to head back down to Wildbourclough and Wincle. I left the group just near the top of Gun Hill to head home while the group carried on to Leek to complete a 51 mile ride. Thanks to Steve B for leading the ride.
Nick A

Club Run – 18th August 2019

The main group set out for Abbots Bromley while the B group aka The Magnificent Seven set out for Knutsford. We set off a brisk pace along the main Rudyard road and re-grouped at Bosley Lights before turning off for Gawsworth and Broken Cross and Alderly Edge and in to Great Warford before reaching Knutsford and the Lambing Shed. We decided to sit outside and enjoy the rare sun and dry weather before realising that every wasp in Cheshire had the same idea. The riders were soon enjoying Bacon Rolls and discusing the cost.
We decided to head back via Toft and on the way out of Knutsford, we were amused by the sight of a lane full of gated communties which led to a disscusion on how life would be in such a estate. We carried on in to Marthall and Over Peover before reaching Morton and back in to Gawsworth and Bosley Lights. We rode through Rushton spencer and here I left for the sunny delights of Biddulph. I was told it would be a sixty mile ride so well done to all riders and thanks to Roger G for leading the ride and for putting up with our banter over his sense of direction. Thanks to Steve B for stroking the tempoary traffic lights in to letting us through! I note that Neil Canbell has broken the cycling speed record of 174mph so I expect he will be out with the thrash group on Thursday then!
Nick A


Club Run – 11th August 2019

The main group set out to ride the reliablity route backwards while a select group of three riders and myself set out for Monyash. I was allowed to join the B group on the understanding that I would make them look good in the log. What can I say, I like a challenge! We set out along Thnornclife and in to the fog on Morridge before dropping down in to Newtown and the clear skys. We rode through Longnor and in to Earl Sterndale before reaching Hurdlow and Monyash. We were soon enjoying coffee and bacon rolls and the Thursday night thrash was debated. Myself and Rodger raised a few eyebrows at this and though better of it, not for us!
We decided to head back to Leek via Parsley Hay and along Longdale and in to Hartington before reaching Hulme end and we turned off for Butterton for a change. We decended in to Onecote and climbed up to Morridge where we could see the rain arriving again after a rare dry spell. We carried on back in to Thorncliffe and in to Meerbrook where i dropped off to head home while the group carried on to Abbey Green and Leek.
Thanks to Phil G for leading the ride and it was good to see Phil back out after a period of ill health.
Nick A

Club Run – August 5th 2019

The B ride set out for Eccleshall while the main group decided to ride out past Carsington and head back to Hartington to avoid the rain. We rode out to Bottom House and along Ipstones Edge before dropping in to Norbury and in to Snelstone and Wyston before heading to Bradly and past Carsington. We continued on to the sharp climb out of Brassington where Chris E had a puncture as well as a issue with sun cream dripping in to his eyes so we hope there was no harm done to his eyes. The puncture fixed we carried on to Elton and in to Middleton and Newhaven where we had a few drops of rain but that was all. We arrived in Hartington and the group of eight were soon enjoying coffee and eating all the supplies of beans on toast as well as cake to fuel the trip home.
We decided to head back by the direct route as rain was forecast so headed to Hulme End and up to Warslow before heading towards the Mermaid. Here, Nick D had a head start and maintained his lead all the way to the top despite our best efforts to catch him so well done Nick. We re-grouped and headed down in to Thornclife where I left for Biddulph.
Thanks to Dave M for leading a great ride of an estimated fifty three mile ride.
Nick A


Club Run – July 21st 2019

The main group set out for Castelton while the B group set out for Denstone via Leekbrook and Ipstones before dropping down in to Froghall and up to High edge before reaching Great Gate and along to Denstone, here we had a detour due to a mix up over the shout of “On your right” so headed along the main road to Rocester before we arrived in Denstone. I would like to point out that Apollo Eleven missed the intended landing site by four miles fifty years ago so no one is perfect. We arrived at Denstone Farm cafe and were soon enjoying coffee and cakes.
It was decided to head back via Quickshall and Wotten before climbing up to Ramshorn and Ipstones Edge. We stopped at Bottom House to decide who was going where and headed along Mooridge before turning off for Thornclife and Leek. Thanks to Andy B for leading the ride.
Nick A


Club Run – July 14th 2019

The B group set out to Marton while twelve riders set out on the main group to Moberley. We set out along the main Mac road and in to Gawsworth before riding past the Wizzard and in to Mobberley and to the Barnshaw Smith Cafe. This was our first visit and we were soon enjoying coffee and beans on toast. We were also introduced to Mark P, a ex club member and TT champ who came back out with the club which was great. Two riders arrived on Penny Farthings which created a lot of interest.
We returned to Leek via Tatton Park but on the way managed to lose Karl so we carried on in to Knutsford and Over Peover and Siddington. It was here that I began to have stomach cramps and pain so ended up getting slower and slower but managed to keep pedaling. At Gawsworth, I asked the group to carry on as I knew the route home so they carried on through Rushton Spencer and back in to Leek. I arrived back at 13.46 after a fifty nine mile ride led by Rich G. Thanks for waiting for me in Leek guys. I spotted Karl on my way home so he too managed to find the route back.
Nick A

Club Run – July 7th 2019

We had quite a large turn our for both groups on Sunday as there were a few riders out we have not seen for a while due to ill health and other reasons but nice to see riders out with the club. The A group set out for Matlock and returned back to Leek via a route that took in the Outer Herbrides. Meanwhile, the B group set out for Whetton via Leekbrook and Ipstones and Windy Arbour before dropping in to waterhouses and along to Calton and past Throwley Hall and in to Ilam. The climb out of Ilam soon warmed us all up and we continued in to Wetton before reaching the Village Hall and were soon enjoying Coffee and cakes as well as beans on toast.
We returned by the steep descent in to the Manifold Valley and along the track and through the tunnel which raised a few laughs before reaching Hulme End and here we turned off for Warslow via the steep climb out. There was some discusion about the best way to Morridge but as they all involve hills, we decided to head back by the direct route and so took on the climb. Rich C took the KOM title here. The group descend in to Thorncliffe and I parted company to head back to the delights of Biddulph. A great ride led by Andy B despite the moaning about hills. The lesser cyclists out there meanwhile took on a flat stage of the TDF.

Club Run – June 30th 2019

Two groups set out for Hackwood Farm riding out along Ashbourne Road but at Bottom House the A and B groups split so we carried on with thirteen riders via Ipstones Edge and in to Ramshorn and Ellastone and Cubley. At Longlane, we encountered what seemed to be the entire contents of a local quarry scattered across the road so it was a struggle to avoid the chippings. We pulled off to take a short cut to Hackwood and were soon at the cafe and sitting out in the warm for once. A group picture was taken along with a Leek so one for next years callender!
We returned via Sutton On The Hill at a fast pace which left me well behind. We continued to Marston Montgomery and Rocester before riding in to Denstone and Alton and along Red Road to Oakamoor and the sharp climb out of the valley. We turned off to head to Kingsley and I was so beyond hitting the wall, I was down to the footings by this point. I should have pleaded to be allowed in to the Woodhouse Autism centre! Near to Kingsley, we came across a young lady rider with a front brake fault so Dave M pulled over to help and the group helped shelter her from the traffic until we passed her home, well done Dave! We carried on to Cheddleton where we dropped off Dave M and Rich C, I continued alone back to Leek while the group had a chat before they returned to Leek at 3.30pm after a tough sixty eight mile ride. It was a long one due to two punctures and waiting for me to catch up, sorry guys!
Nick A

Club Run – June 23rd 2019

Two groups met up in the market place The B ride were heading to Hartington while the main group were heading to Knutsford. We set out along Mill Street and past Rudyard before reaching Gawsworth. We passed through Homes Chapel and on to Lower Peover and Mathall before riding in to Knutsford. Here we had a few issues with our Garmins as the route was not clear to us so we had a little tour of the streets before we realised we were outside the Courtyard Cafe. Soon riders were enjoying the warmth outside for once and artisan food at artisan prices.
We decided to head back by riding through the nearby Tatton Park estate to see the deer and stags and were rewarded with quite a collection. We then headed to Ashley and were soon riding at a good pace on the flats of Cheshire. We passed near to Alderly Edge and the Wizard pub where the group stopped for a chat before we set off for Broken cross and back to Gawsworth and back on to the main Leek road. Here it became every man for himself so we rode hard to make the front. Soon it was myself, Shaun and Nick D racing away and I managed to pass Nick for a brief spell at the front before he passed me to take the sprint in to Leek. We arrived back at 2.16pm after a fun, seventy mile ride. Thanks to all who helped navigate as unsure who was ride leader. I did my best to record the route so any mistakes are mine alone as I simply do not know Cheshire well.