Club Hill Climb Championship 2017

A decent turn out in dry and cloudy conditions saw 18 riders compete in the Leek CC Club Hill Climb Championship 2017, which is held on Gun Hill three miles outside, which is held on Gun Hill three miles outside Leek. The overall winner was Rob Howson with a time of 5:52 who is Leek CC Hill Climb Champion, Rob was followed in second place overall by Jordan Hill also of Leek CC with a time of 6:19, and then in third place overall was Alex Coates of Innovation Racing with a time of 6:26. Completing the Club Hill Climb podium was Rob Breeze with a time of 6:40.  Well done & great effort to all the riders who competed and thank you for supporting the event.  There was certainly some very close times with a number of riders separated by very small margins especially Nick Avins & Simon Morrall who recorded the very same time, as did Rich Coghill and Rich Whalley. Also big thanks to everyone who supported and helped out to make the event a success. The next club event is the AGM which will be held at Den Engel in early November.

1) Rob Howson 5:52                      Leek CC
2) Jordan Hill 6:19                         Leek CC
3) Alex Coates 6:26                       Innovation Racing
4) Louis Perry 6:28                        Swinnerton Cycles
5) Rob Breeze 6:40                        Leek CC
=6) Nick Avins 6:43                        Leek CC
=6) Simon Morrall 6:43                   Leek CC
=8) Rich Coghill 6:45                      Leek CC
=8) Rich Whalley 6:45                    Leek CC
10) Dominic Slinn 6:47                   Macclesfield Wheelers
11) Rob Hanson 7:04                     Leek CC
12) Liam Robinson 7:10                 Swinnerton Cycles
13) Barry Riley 7:42                       Leek CC
14) Adrian Derbyshire 7:54            Leek CC
15) Phil Simcock 7:59                    Leek CC
16) Paul Haywood 8:05                 Leek CC
17) Stuart Poole 8:07                     Leek CC
18) Chris Evans 9:22                     Leek CC

DSCF9590-2                                                               Rich Whalley

DSCF9598-2                                                             Simon Morrall

Legbreaker a Great Success

The Leek Legbreaker of 2017 saw the biggest numbers to date turn up to tackle the “Hell of the Moorlands” an 82 mile loop of Leek and the surrounding areas, toughest climbs, including, llam, Grindon Moor, The Hollinsclough Rake, Gun Hill just to name a few. Total ascent would be approx 8,000ft of climbing. This year Andy Bain and the members of Club had so kindly organised and arranged for the entry fee to be donated to my Dad -Karl Clay – who was a regular club rider and a talented mtb racer who was left tetraplegic after a MTB accident last year. The money raised will be incredibly helpful in getting Karl back on a bike and back off roading again where he belongs. I speak for all my family, there are no words that can describe our gratitude, how you have all made this possible and changed his life for the better.

So as 9am came and went we were all raring to go & we knew this was no ride for the faint hearted. So we set off at a steady pace knowing what we had to come! All 82 of crazy cyclists were now on their journey to tackle one of the biggest challenges of all. The weather gods looked to be shining down on us, which would make the ride much more pleasurable. Everyone was smiling and discussing what part of the course they thought was the most terrifying! The most stand out fear amongst the peloton was of course Hollinsclough rake! 20% of pure evil! You need a good range of gears for this one!

But before getting to this part you have to do a gruelling 40 miles. Luckily a fantastic team of people, including Andy Bain, Alison Held, Sarah Coates, Phil Gayes ,Nick Avins & George and Margaret who had been preparing the route, had an amazing feed zone for us all to enjoy. There was a huge range of foods and refreshments for us all. Including tea, coffee, juice, water, cakes, pastries, bananas biscuits, you name it, it was there.

My Dad had made it to the feed zone to meet everyone too which was fantastic, it was great to have him their so people could see Dad again & see where there incredible donations are going and how it will help. Once riders had refuelled it was off again to tackle yet more hills. Everyone still seemed comfortable and happy, taking in new roads, new scenery and simply, the very best of the Peak District has to offer. You know the saying, ‘You don’t get something for nothing’ and it does make you work for it. But my word, it is worth it. All riders made it round, still with smiles on their faces, albeit with a few punctures and mechanicals, and I speak for myself and Andy Magnier here, and I believe one or two others experienced this insane localised monsoon. We got caught in several of the most heaviest downpours. Biblical rain showers that were bouncing of the ground and turning the roads into a river.

Once back at Den Engles in Leek – who kindly let us smelly, wet and dreary cyclists inside, we were able to reflect on the days outing. Over 5 hours later and over 8000ft of climbing we were all ready for a beer! All in all we all managed to raise an incredible £541.00 – We would like to thank everyone so much for their kind donations and look forward to showing you all where it is going. See you all again next year!




Tony Cope & Karl Clay at the feed station at Ecton


“Rolling Back the Years” Exhibition

Hi everyone. It is the opening of “Rolling Back the Years” A Brief History of Leek Cyclists’ Club, this Friday 08/09/17 18.30 for 19.00 at The Foxlowe, Leek. Cycling legend Les West will open the exhibition. We have invited former members and friends of the club. There will also be a small display of “cycles through the ages”. Please come along and help make it a special occasion. Thanks Andy Bain


Lakes Weekend

In early July thirteen club members enjoyed a great weekends cycling in the Lake District, based in Glenridding on the shores of Ullswater. On the Saturday they completed a fantastic sunny 100 mile loop taking in a number of the Lake Districts most scenic and challenging climbs these included Newlands Pass, Honister Pass & Whinlatter. After a few beers and a good meal the riders then a enjoyed a 50 mile ride on the Sunday morning taking in Kirstone Pass and a loop which included great views of Lake Windermere and Coniston. A fantastic weekends cycling and well recommended to any keen cyclists

lakes 1lakes 2lakes 3

Legbreaker “Hell of the Moorlands” 2017

On Sunday September the 17th 2017, Leek Cyclists Club will once again be staging the   Legbreaker in Memory of Club Member Paul Derbyshire who sadly passed away in 2012.The 81 Mile ride which has been a great success over the years is renowned as one of the best in the country, with it being dubbed the “Hell of the Moorlands” mainly because of the amount of tough steep Moorland climbs which you have to conquer to complete the ride. The ride takes in some of the best scenery the Staffordshire Moorlands & The Peak District has to offer and includes steep climbs out of Ilam, Hollinsclough and the famous Gun Hill.
This year we have revised the route slightly so to avoid the ford in Butterton, which means riders are to ride up from Grindon and then ride to the T junction joining the B5053, then turn right onto the B5053 and then take the first right and drop into Butterton and then drop into Ecton for the feed station. For more information and to download the GPS File please click on the link below

Signing on will be from 8:30AM in the Market Place in the centre of Leek, with riders off at 9:00AM.The cost of the ride is £6, with all proceeds and donations from the Legbreaker this year going to club member Karl Clay’s Just Giving Page. Karl and his family in raising money to help Karl buy a FES machine which will help Karl immensely after a mountain bike accident last year, For more information and to make a donation please click on the link below.

There will be one feed station during the ride which will be located at Ecton which is after dropping into the Manifold Valley from Butterton. Riders will be provided with a route card and a map & the route will be fully signed. Once riders have completed the ride can they please make their way to the Den Engel Belgian Bar in Leek to Sign In (Den Engel is situated on Stanley Street just off the Market Place).

If you are interested in taking part in this years Legbreaker please contact the below email address or Telephone Number, so that numbers can be judged and the correct amount of food & drink can be ordered for the Feed Station. Best of Luck to all riders & please ride safe.

Contact Andy Bain on  :  Email     – 

Telephone  –   07450435754


Great conditions for the Club 5 TT

A very good turn out in what were warm and sunny conditions saw 19 riders compete in the Leek CC 5 mile TT.  Run on the tough course from Rushton Spencer to Leek, which includes the Hanging Gate Climb and the tough drag up to the Cricket Club, it was Andy Magnier of the Giordana Racing Team who was first on the night with a time of 10:15, followed by Alex Coates and Jon White in the second and third. Leek Cyclists Club first three riders on the night were Andy Baddeley with a time 10:58 followed by Nick Avins with a time of 11:03 and Barry Riley with a time of 11:06. Congratulations to Andy Baddeley who is now the Club 5 TT champion, and well done and great effort to everybody who took part there was some very fast and strong rides on the night. After the TT club members & supporters enjoyed a well deserved meal at the The White Lion Pub in Leek.  Special thanks to everybody who helped make the event a success & all the riders for supporting the event.


1. Andy Magnier (Giordana Racing) 10:16
2. Alex Coates (Lyme RC) 10:32
3. Jon White (Pro Vision) 10:43
4. Andy Baddeley 10:58
5. Nick Avins 11:03
6. Barry Riley 11:06
7. Rich Whalley 11:11
8. Rob Breeze 11:19
9. Rob Hanson 11:29
10. Rich Coghill 11:33
11. Paul Hayward 12:09
12. Nick Deaville 12:20
13. Ade Hall 12:26
14. Dave Magnier 12:28
15. Adrian Derbyshire 12:29
16. Rich Coates 12:32
17. Chris Meir 12:34
18. Phil Simcock 12:45
19. Dan Noble 12:54

andy                          Leek Cyclists Club’s first rider on the night Andy Baddeley

ade                            Ade Hall on the tough drag up to the Cricket Club


Rich Coates wins the Club 10 Mile TT

On Tuesday the 9th of May, Three club members took part in the Clubs 10 mile TT Championships which took place on the Gawsworth course just outside Congleton. On a clear and sunny evening a strong ride from Rich Coates saw him come out the winnner with a time of 24:27, followed by John Green in second with a time of 28:54, unfortunately with rotten luck Phil Gayes punctured after hitting a pot hole which meant he was unable to finish, unlucky Phil and hopefully you have better luck next time. Congratulations to Rich and well done to John & Phil for entereing. A thank you from the Club must go to Congleton CC for hosting and marshalling another excellent  event. The next Club Championship is the Club 5 TT which will be held on June the 5th on the Rushton to Leek Course.


  1. Rich Coates     24:27
  2. John Green      28:54

Phi Gayes        DNF  (puncture)

RICH                             Rich Coates this years 10 Mile TT Champion

This photograph were taken by Mr Ken Norbury “© Ken Norbury”. To see more of Ken’s photograph’s click on the link.

Dougie Mac Charity Ride 2017

An early rise for me, kit and bike ready then Rob arrived at our door shivering, loaded his bike then we were off. The ‘Dougie Mac Cycle ride’ is a regular for the club with us usually having a good turnout. The start is at the Michelin Athletics club in Trentham, this year 16 from the club turned out.
Once we were all gathered we set off, the weather dry but a little cool. After a few miles we established a through and off system that we managed to keep going all the way to Llangollen. Our group had gathered quite a few other riders as we flew along, a very enjoyable first half.
Again in the car park a great atmosphere, many of the 1000 plus who do this event enjoying the now warm sunny day while refuelling. Most fuelling stations are good, if you like bananas!, so I just had a sandwich. It was great to see Claire and her 2 children there. She has been coming to encourage us for the past 5 years since the sad occasion of her brother’s death (25/03/2012). Only a car park, but we had a pleasant chat and laugh before setting off for the return
The climb up to Johnstown makes you realise your legs have been working but we were still altogether. ‘Through and off’ was started again, with a few like me avoiding the work at the front but appreciating the shelter. A short stop at Malpas for a comfort break, then carry on.
At around 90 miles the elastic started to break with Ade, Russ and myself dropping back and Keele bank sorting the stronger boys out, arriving back at the Michelin Club to a big welcome in the now hot sunny day at around 2pm
There was one incident of a flash car having a lady passenger shouting at us to get into single file as they sped past. At the junction ahead there was a little more intense conversation and a brief recital of the Highway Code, along with some timely advice on common sense for the driver and his passenger!
On a sad note, Leek Cyclists’ Club Members were sadden at the news of the loss of Uttoxeter Cycling Club Member Karl Payne during Sunday’s ‘Dougie Mac’ ride. Thoughts and condolences go out to Karl’s family, friends and fellow Club Members at UCC.
Thanks all for a great day, Dave M
dougie macAll the riders along with our much appreciated supporters the Anderson family in & also look out for Jordan Hill’s parrot who makes a special appearance on the back row :))

Leek CC Hilly Reliability Ride 2017

Sixty Seven riders turned out to ride the annual Paul Derbyshire Memorial Hilly Reliability Ride, which is a scenic 53 Mile through the Peak District. Thanks to Phil Gayes’s pleading with the rain gods, we had a warm and sunny day. We set out in small groups to avoid a mass start with the riders setting out along the Ashbourne road before turning left to commence battle with School lane, Bradnop. A fearsome climb but one that Jo Clay demonstrated how it should be done. Thankfully, it was down hill to Oncote before turning for Grindon and the Manifold valley. The road in to the valley is littered with potholes and gravel and I saw one rider almost lose control on a corner but somehow he stayed upright, a master class in bike handling. It was a pleasant ride along Milldale and in to Parwich.  The riders then had the steady climb up to Longcliffe before the downhill stretch in to Winster. Of course, there was a head wind all the way.

The river Lathkill was in full flood , not something I have seen before as it is normally quite shallow. Both myself and Paul Haywood had gear problems on the climb to Youlgreave, strange how this issue chose this moment to make itself known and not before. I had to pull over for a energy gel and to admire the view, quite hard for me to lose the Touring cyclist mentality. I had to work hard to catch up with the riders in front on the road to Monyash. There was some rough patches of road as I reached Monyash, I hope other riders managed to avoid theses as it was quite a jolt to myself and the bike. I managed to catch up with the Black Horse Velo team and we carried on towards Parsley Hay before turning for Crowdecote. Longnor was soon reached and we turned for the last climb up to Fawfield Head and Morridge. At this point, my legs were protesting but with leek in view, I pressed on and pulled up outside Den Engles to sign off and enjoy a biscuit which Phil Gayes tried to pass off as his own baking. Is there no end to this mans dedication to the club? In all, a great day out in the local countryside with some great riders and I hope everyone had a enjoyable ride with no miss-haps. Thanks to Phill Gayes and other members who put out the signs and organised the ride.

Written by Nick Avins Club Rider and day dreamer

2 1After the ride the riders and friends enjoyed a well deserved buffet at The Den Engel Belgain Bar in Leek, which was then followed by the Clubs Award Presentation(see the Events page for the winners).  Well done to everybody who rode and thank you for supporting the event. The club would also like to thank everybody who helped to organize the event.


Congleton CC 50 Mile Reliability Ride

A crisp cool morning saw 11 Leek CC riders meet up for a slightly earlier than normal start, for the ride out to Congleton, to join the host club for their first reliability trial of the year.A fairly brisk pace over the Bridestones soon saw riders warmed up, and ready for the start of the trial.                                                                                                             After signing on, we were joined by “Team Coates”, who had opted for the less taxing option of driving out, due to racing the previous day. A unanimous decision to ride conservatively, but quick (18mph target) was taken, and we would all ride together for as long as possible. With Andy Magnier, “human satnav” Phil Gayes and Rich Coates doing the majority of the early donkeywork, the pace was pretty constant, and no one was left behind as we went around the outskirts of Macclesfield, and towards Alderley Edge. A slight separation occurred as riders split to allow an ambulance past, but by Warford, and Ollerton we had all regrouped, and the Leek CC train was in full flow again, with most people doing a turn or three on the front, successfully fighting the headwind all the way down from Toft and Peover, to Middlewich.                                                                      Leaving Middlewich, we entered back into the lanes, heading for Warmingham (Not the Dad’s Army setting!!), and into the outskirts of Crewe, where a diversion added a mile or two onto the correct route.At Winterley, we were back on track, and back into the lanes through Betchton, Smallwood, where we had our first casualty, as Phil Gayes decided his legs had done enough for the day, and was left to cruise the last few miles back into Congleton on his own.All our riders made the 18mph target average speed, and were greeted at the Congleton CC clubhouse with a well earned brew and biscuits ready for the, second trip of the day over the Bridestones.A great mornings riding had by all, and most eager for the 65 mile trial on the 18th of Feb.

Written by Club Rider Phil Gayes