
A cold crisp start to the New Year saw 8 souls turn up at the Market Square for the 9am Grand depart. A quick discussion regarding destination ensued with the only decision being to ignore Tony Simons request to go hilly.
We eased out towards Macclesfield staying on the main road to examine “Phil’s Hole” in Rushton before committing to the thrash route but at considerably lower speeds due to treacherous road surfaces. As we crossed at Marton, Dave Mag cut off to head towards home, not feeling it, a decision all of us could have made. We ploughed on though, to Goostrey Home and Leisure and forced our way in to a table of 7 where more beans were consumed than in Blazing Saddles. Nick D almost caused a diplomatic incident warming items up under the hand drier 😆.
Having just about warmed up we set off again with Steve W confirming a heady temperature of -5 for the return leg. A loop around the world’s largest Sky dish saw us aim for Siddington then around Redesmere for an ice-cream.
From there everyone raced back from the Nook, except for me, that couldn’t 🤣.
Congratulations must go to Sean Daly for keeping his bike “tyre side down” this week and also Richard Coates for been the voice of reason when hills were mentioned.
As I’ve mentioned everyone else, Carlton also came but didn’t do anything funny 😁

2024 final ride

So much for a zero rain forecast, but 6, 9am ers turned up for a hilly 30 ish miles. Paths crossing with the 8 o clockers at Allgreave. The last ride for 2024. Meerbrook, Gun, Wincle, Allgreave, Flash, Longnor, Sheen, Warslow, Elkstone, Coffee Beans Leek.

Monyash/Edensor (Sean/Phil)

A large group gathered in the Market place to watch Mr Daly inspect the blocked paving more closely. A very comical moment for the traders to, as I couldn’t get from under the bike. Dave Mag lent a hand.
After the laughter abated we set off fir Monyash via Mini Thorncliffe, Longnor, Glutton Bridge, where 4 continued onwards for a further distance. The rest continued on to the Smithy. Food and coffee consumed and a little warmer, we ventured back out where we soon realised it was going to be a headwind back via Hartington, Hulme End, Reaps Moor, Mermaid, Thorncliffe and back into Leek.
Good ride, Ho ho ho

Quite a large gathering in the market place for this mornings rides, with a general direction of monyash and chatsworth being mentioned.
The groups stayed together til glutton bridge, where the b team headed off for earl sterndale, hurdlow and monyash, while the keener riders carried on to Brierlow Bar, before heading through chelmorton, and Taddington, and the descent down the a6 to ashford.
Climbing off the main road, we skirted the Bakewell bookshop, and across to chatsworth, where we headed for the Edensor cafe.
Turned out it was rather busy, so we grabbed a table outside. Quick service brought our coffees and butties, so we weren’t out waiting for too long, before heading back on our way to Rowsley, then Alport and Youlgreave, where we began to feel the “benefits” of the negative tailwind all the way home.
Over long rake to parsley hay, and then to avoid retracing over our way out, we decided Hartington was our favoured route home, and over the tops after warslow and thorncliffe.
A nice steady 🤔 50 something miles and quite a bit of elevation gain.

Christmas meal

The Leek CC Christmas meal will be held this year at The Napoli restaurant in Leek. Friday 15th December from 6:30pm. Thanks to everyone who has provided a deposit. Get in contact with Dan Noble () if you want more information.The menu is 

here. If you’re attending, please let Dan know your pre-order.We’ll be out to the local pubs after for a drink and a laugh. 

Club Awards 2019

Club 5 TT – Joe Molyneaux
Club 10 TT – Rob Howson
Cub 25 TT – Jamie Jeffery
Club 50 TT – Rich Coates
Club 100TT – Ade Derbyshire
12hr TT – Ade Derbyshire
24hr TT – Ade Derbyshire
Hill Climb – Rob Howson
Short BAR – Ade Derbyshire
Long BAR – Ade Derbyshire
Half Wheeler – Rob Harp
Club Man – Ade Derbyshire
Outstanding Achievement – Ade Derbyshire
Comedy Moment – Shaun Merrick

Special Thanks to Hillary for her fantastic support and hospitality of Den Engel (The Den)

Awards Presented by
Club President, Glyn Hewines

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Club 5 TT Winner – J Molyneaux (Did not attend)
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Club 10 TT Winner – R Howson (Did not attend)
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Club 25 TT Winner – J Jeffery
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Club 50 TT Winner – R Coates
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Club 100 TT Winner – A Derbyshire
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12hr TT Winner – A Derbyshire
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24hr TT Winner A Derbyshire
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Short BAR Winner A Derbyshire
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Long BAR Winner A Derbyshire
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Half Wheeler R Harp
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Club Man – Ade Derbyshire
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Comedy Moment Winner – Shaun Merrick
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Leek Cyclists Club 5 Mile TT Results 2018 

(Rushton to Leek Course)

Jordan is the overall winner and Club Champion!
There was a tight tussle for the other podium spots, with Tony taking second from Rob by 35/100 of a second. Generally slightly slower times than last year, mostly due to the headwind that picked up just at the “right” time. Well done to all the competitors and thanks to all who supported, took photos or otherwise helped. And a big thank you to Kelvin and Rachel at the White Lion for opening specially for us again (they are normally shut on Monday).